view modules/apache/manifests/mod/proxy_html.pp @ 482:d83de9b3a62b default tip

Update hiera.yaml within Puppet config Forgot that we manage it from here. Now has content to match new packages
author IBBoard <>
date Fri, 30 Aug 2024 16:10:36 +0100
parents adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs `mod_proxy_html`.
# @see for additional documentation.
class apache::mod::proxy_html {
  include apache
  require apache::mod::proxy
  require apache::mod::proxy_http

  # Add libxml2
  case $facts['os']['family'] {
    /RedHat|FreeBSD|Gentoo|Suse/: {
      ::apache::mod { 'xml2enc': }
      $loadfiles = undef
    'Debian': {
      $gnu_path = $facts['os']['hardware'] ? {
        'i686'  => 'i386',
        default => $facts['os']['hardware'],
      case $facts['os']['name'] {
        'Ubuntu': {
          $loadfiles = $facts['os']['release']['major'] ? {
            '10'    => ['/usr/lib/'],
            default => ["/usr/lib/${gnu_path}-linux-gnu/"],
        'Debian': {
          $loadfiles = $facts['os']['release']['major'] ? {
            '6'     => ['/usr/lib/'],
            default => ["/usr/lib/${gnu_path}-linux-gnu/"],
        default: {
          $loadfiles = ["/usr/lib/${gnu_path}-linux-gnu/"]
      ::apache::mod { 'xml2enc': }
    default: {}

  ::apache::mod { 'proxy_html':
    loadfiles => $loadfiles,

  # Template uses $icons_path
  file { 'proxy_html.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${apache::mod_dir}/proxy_html.conf",
    mode    => $apache::file_mode,
    content => epp('apache/mod/proxy_html.conf.epp'),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],