1 % Eight Queens problem, written from just the rules and a few hints on available approaches
2 % which includes the "member/2" and other useful functions.
3 % This will be MUCH more succinct than defining the entire board and trying
4 % to operate on that! Half of the problem is approaching the problem correctly.
6 eight_queens(List) :-
7 % Check we've got the right length
8 length(List, 8),
9 % Check our values are all valid positions
10 valid_board(List),
11 % Pull out the rows
12 rows(List, Rows),
13 % Pull out the columns
14 columns(List, Cols),
15 % Pull out the diagonals (North-East/South-West)
16 diagonals_sw_ne(List, Diags1),
17 % Pull out the diagonals (North-West/South-East)
18 diagonals_nw_se(List, Diags2),
20 % Make sure we have no duplicates - based on the simple Sudoku solver
21 fd_all_different(Rows),
22 fd_all_different(Cols),
23 fd_all_different(Diags1),
24 fd_all_different(Diags2).
26 valid_board([]).
27 valid_board([Head|Tail]) :- valid_queen(Head), valid_board(Tail).
29 % Queen location defined as a tuple
30 valid_queen((Row, Col)) :-
31 Range = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],
32 member(Row, Range), member(Col, Range).
34 rows([], []).
35 % This is a bit weird - Tail on the left matches and populates Tail on the right
36 % Then we invoke the sub-goal and generate RowTail recursively, which populates
37 % RowTail on the left. Easier than assignment, and probably tail recursive.
38 rows([(Row, _)|Tail], [Row|RowTail]) :- rows(Tail, RowTail).
40 columns([], []).
41 columns([(_, Col)|Tail], [Col|ColTail]) :- columns(Tail, ColTail).
43 diagonals_nw_se([], []).
44 % Diagonals intersec the axis at consistent places, which we can approximate with Row + Col
45 diagonals_nw_se([(Row,Col)|Tail], [Diag|DiagTail]) :- Diag is Row + Col, diagonals_nw_se(Tail, DiagTail).
47 diagonals_sw_ne([], []).
48 % Ditto the other diagonal, but use Row - Col because they slope the other way
49 diagonals_sw_ne([(Row,Col)|Tail], [Diag|DiagTail]) :- Diag is Row - Col, diagonals_sw_ne(Tail, DiagTail). |