1 #!/bin/bash
3 # A script to find missing files in the f-spot database, and then delete them.
4 # At present these files crash f-spot. It's frustrating as all hell.
6 echo "Welcome to the f-spot database cleaner. All the usual disclaimers apply, as you might imagine."
7 echo "What would you like to do: "
8 echo " 1) Run in demo-mode "
9 echo " 2) Clean up your f-spot database"
10 echo " 3) Quit"
11 read -p "Your choice: " choice
13 case $choice in
14 1) demomode="true";;
15 2) demomode="false";;
16 3) exit 0;;
17 esac
19 # With that beginning stuff out of the way, let us do some functions
20 # First, a function to gather the database contents and to print out the ones that are orphans
22 function findAndFixOrphans {
23 # find our db, and set a var. Checking for XDG path first, since it's the more recent location of the db
24 if [ -f $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/f-spot/photos.db ] #checks if the $XDG_CONFIG_DIR variable is in use
25 then
26 DBPATH=$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/f-spot/photos.db
27 elif [ -f $HOME/.config/f-spot/photos.db ] #uses the default $XDG location, if that's being used.
28 then
29 DBPATH=$HOME/.config/f-spot/photos.db
30 elif [ -f $HOME/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db ] #uses the old location of the DB, if the former aren't in use.
31 then
32 DBPATH=$HOME/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db
33 else
34 echo "Error: Could not find database. Damn."
35 exit 1
36 fi
38 # Select the filenames, and put them in a variable.
39 filenames=$(sqlite3 $DBPATH "SELECT base_uri || '/' || filename FROM PHOTOS")
40 filenames_versions=$(sqlite3 $DBPATH "SELECT base_uri || '/' || filename FROM PHOTO_VERSIONS")
42 # Chomp off the first instance of file://, and replace the rest with newlines.
43 filenames=$(echo $filenames | sed 's/file:\/\///' | sed 's/file:\/\//\n/g' )
44 filenames_versions=$(echo $filenames_versions | sed 's/file:\/\///' | sed 's/file:\/\//\n/g' )
46 if [ $demomode == "true" ]
47 then
48 while read -r line
49 do
50 # Decode the filename
51 decodedLine=$(echo -e "${line//\%/\\x}")
52 if [ ! -f "$decodedLine" ]
53 then
54 # If the file doesn't exist, we output the filename, if in demomode, or we fix it if we are not in demomode.
55 echo "Errant record found in the photos table: $decodedLine"
56 fi
57 done <<< "$filenames"
59 # We do the same for the photo_versions table
60 while read -r line
61 do
62 # Decode filename
63 decodedLine=$(echo -e "${line//\%/\\x}")
64 if [ ! -f "$decodedLine" ]
65 then
66 # If the file doesn't exist, we output the filename
67 echo "Errant record found in the photo_versions table: $decodedLine"
68 fi
69 done <<< "$filenames_versions"
71 else
72 # We backup the database, and make the correction
73 cp $DBPATH $DBPATH.`date -I`.bak
74 if [ $? -eq 0 ]
75 then
76 #The backup worked, tell the user.
77 echo "Your database has been backed up to $DBPATH.`date -I`.bak"
78 else
79 echo "Error backing up your database."
80 exit 3
81 fi
83 # First we do the photos table
84 while read -r line
85 do
86 # Decode the filename
87 decodedLine=$(echo -e "${line//\%/\\x}")
89 if [ ! -f "$decodedLine" ]
90 then
91 # Do some sql here.
92 foo="file://${line}"
93 base_uri=${foo%/*}
94 filename=${foo##*/}
95 echo -n "Deleting URI $line from the database table photos..."
96 sqlite3 $DBPATH "DELETE FROM PHOTOS WHERE base_uri = '$base_uri' AND filename = '$filename'"
97 echo "done."
98 fi
99 done <<< "$filenames"
101 # Then we do the photo_versions table
102 while read -r line
103 do
104 # Decode the filename
105 decodedLine=$(echo -e "${line//\%/\\x}")
107 if [ ! -f "$decodedLine" ]
108 then
109 #Do some sql stuff
110 foo="file://${line}"
111 base_uri=${foo%/*}
112 filename=${foo##*/}
113 echo -n "Deleting URI $line from the database table photo_versions..."
114 sqlite3 $DBPATH "DELETE FROM PHOTO_VERSIONS WHERE base_uri = '$base_uri' AND filename = '$filename'"
115 echo "done."
116 fi
117 done <<< "$filenames_versions"
119 fi
121 }
123 if [ "$demomode" == "true" ]
124 then
125 echo "Great. Proceeding in demomode."
127 findAndFixOrphans
129 echo "Demomode successfully finished. Exiting."
130 exit 0;
131 elif [ "$demomode" == "false" ]
132 then
133 echo "Great. Cleaning up your database."
135 findAndFixOrphans
137 echo "Database cleaned successfully."
138 exit 0;
139 else
140 echo "Something strange happened. See the script for details. Exiting."
141 exit 2;
142 fi