Custom Query (91 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#109 Allow badge and banner for Army confirmed trivial WarFoundry-API
#110 Allow badge and banner for Army in UI confirmed trivial WarFoundry-GUIs
#159 DLLs should be in a sub-folder confirmed trivial WarFoundry-GUIs
#224 Replace multi-purpose "set equipment amount" command with add/remove/set confirmed trivial WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#282 Make sure that "select all" works in all text boxes accepted trivial WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#357 Add option to not show unit window when unit is added confirmed trivial WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#374 Replace "Basic HTML Export" with Clutch's version confirmed trivial WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#375 Replace "Basic HTML Export" with Clutch's version (WinForms) confirmed trivial WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#20 Load files as command-line parameters confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#23 Add functions to specify general confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#24 Add interface to specify general confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#25 Add interface to specify general confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#35 Add plugin to validate Warhammer 40K rosters confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#36 Add plugin to validate Warhammer 7th edition armies confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#63 Add unit type image support confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#64 Add methods to get unit type image confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#65 Add unit type images to XML files confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#155 Customisable file load locations confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUIs
#162 Name updates should be "on the fly" confirmed minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#172 Add GTK# UI for showing debugging messages confirmed minor WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#189 Per-model point cost should be visible confirmed minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#249 show points when adding unit needinfo_new terry minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#255 Armytree navigation confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#280 Add prep method to factories confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#292 Investigate alternative FrmUnit designs accepted minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#298 Separating default and required equipment accepted minor WarFoundry-API
#312 "clone unit" function in army tree confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUIs
#316 unitEquipmentItem to fill variable number of equipmentSlot(s) confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#328 Points systems should be translatable accepted minor WarFoundry-API
#363 Enhance XML Export UI in WinForms confirmed Dan Kulinski minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#364 Enhance XML Export UI in GTK# confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#370 Add "minimum limit" to equipment slots confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#371 Add user-editable notes to units in armies confirmed minor WarFoundry-API
#376 Add direct printing option (GTK#) confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#377 Add direct printing option (WinForms) confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#381 Continue to load data file if sub-file fails confirmed minor WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#386 Add "duplicate unit" buttons confirmed minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#387 Add "duplicate unit" buttons confirmed minor WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#27 Define unit requirements confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#78 Handle replaceable required equipment better confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#92 Add Mono.Addins support for extensions confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#102 Make races extensible confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#103 Add basic race extensibility confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#104 Create "rulesets" for game systems confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#105 Handle pre-specified "formations" (units containing units that they must take) confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#106 Add tagging of units confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#107 Add tag searching UI confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#108 Add experience to armies confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#150 Add grouping of equipment accepted ibboard major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#151 Add grouping of equipment to UI confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#156 Add preferences to the UIs confirmed major WarFoundry-GUIs
#173 Add WinForms UI for showing debugging messages confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#197 Add "remove other mutexed items?" prompt confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#202 Make data files translatable confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#212 Add per-unit notes accepted major WarFoundry-API
#213 Add abilities to units accepted major WarFoundry-API
#214 Add UI for selecting additional abilities confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#215 Save unit's abilities accepted major WarFoundry-API
#267 Equipment strings aren't correctly pluralised confirmed major WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#277 "Stat modifiers" are required for equipment confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#278 Add requirement to force the selection of a unit confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#286 Equipment buttons should be disabled when options aren't available confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#324 Add saving of Race and System data to files accepted major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#330 Add grouping of equipment to UI accepted major WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#332 Add tag searching UI accepted major WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#343 Show unit requirement failures confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#354 Add new single-button "add unit" UI accepted ibboard major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#372 Add user-editable notes to units in UI (GTK) confirmed major WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#373 Add user-editable notes to units in UI (WinForms) confirmed major WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#392 Add requirements to categories confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#396 "Unit X makes unit Y count as cat A instead of cat B" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#397 "Unit X requires Z number of models of unit Y" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#398 "Unit X can only be taken in armies of Y points and above" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#399 Define equipment requirements confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#401 Add structure for equipment requirement validation confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#402 "Unit must take item X to have equipment item Y" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#403 "Army must take item X to have equipment item Y" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#404 "Equipment item X can only be taken Y times per army" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#405 Add points limit to equipment confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#406 "Equipment available in armies over Xpts" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#407 Add contained unit attribute for "points are part of parent" confirmed major WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#408 Use "points are part of parent" in WinForms UI confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#409 Use "points are part of parent" in GTK UI confirmed major WarFoundry GTK 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-GTK#
#411 Add attribute for whether sub-unit is put in own category or parent category confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#412 Add/improve validation window confirmed major WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#413 Add "RequiresNoMoreThanNUnitsInParent" requirements confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#414 Cost multiplier on contained units confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#415 Add unit size constraints that only apply when a sub-unit confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#416 Create additive version of "RequiresNUnitsForMUnits" requirement confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#421 Add possibility for a unit to have a reduction of total cost of attached units confirmed major General/Unknown
#67 Convert XML file loader in to proper plugin confirmed critical WarFoundry-API
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.